Dating is usually the act of meeting and engaging in a social activity that you have both agreed on, in public together as a couple. This could be having a drink or a meal together, going to a movie or a sporting event, or even going to a party together.
Many young people confuse dating with sex.
There are powerful emotional consequences that come with a sexual relationship, but when you are younger you often don’t realise this.
Sometimes people think that having sex with their partner means they will stay together. This is often not the case. Ideally before having sex, it would help to talk about what you both expect and how having sex might change that.
Sometimes there is an expectation to have sex on a date and the partner feels pressurised into having sex.
Many adolescents who enter sexual relationships experience hurt, rejection and shame.
Sometimes you get into situations where very powerful feelings can overcome you.
Stop and think first.
Remember to think about the consequences………
You have the right to say NO!
No one has the right to force you into sexual activity, no matter what your relationship with the person is.
This means no one can force you to have sex or touch you in a sexual way without your consent or force you to perform sexual activity you find unpleasant or humiliating.
There are many different types of forced sex:
It is important to understand the differences between them, as well as how they are linked together.
Unfortunately, because of the silence that surrounds sexual assault, many myths have been created.
Myths like:
“She asked to be raped by wearing that short skirt”
“Only women can be raped”
“That child is lying – the father is a good man”
NOBODY asks to be raped, nor are they to blame for the behaviour of the rapist.
As you can see from the diagram, these behaviours include:
The common thread of sexual assault is the loss of power and control that the victim experiences.
One of the most common forms of sexually aggressive behaviour is called sexual coercion.
Sexual coercion is difficult to define because it is sometimes difficult to recognise.
Coercion is defined as “the act of forcing (or attempting to force) another individual through
to have sexual contact against his or her will”,
“A person’s lack of choice to pursue another option without severe social, physical or emotional consequences”.
More simply, this means a person is not able to say no because they believe they will face consequences that could be difficult for them.
For example – being beaten, shut down, threatened, emotionally tortured, deprived of things, or being punished in some way etc.
Sometimes you get into situations where you are forced to have sex against your will.
NOBODY may force you to have sex against your will.
Remember you can decide if you want sex, when you want sex and how you want sex. It’s your choice. It’s your body, your choice, your decision and your right.
The law says you have the right to make decisions about getting pregnant.
NOBODY may force you to have sex or get pregnant if you don’t wish to.
It is feels wrong to you – it is wrong. Listen to your feelings.
Violence in a relationship is never acceptable.
Sometimes partners think that have to do what their boyfriend/girlfriend says.
Some boys believe that it is their right to make the decisions.
This is NOT right.
BOTH partners have to agree to have sex, and on what terms. If one person forces their partner to have sexual contact against their will, this is coercion.
As mentioned, sexual coercion is difficult to define because it has many subtleties – it occurs in so many different situations.
Coercion under pressure-of-force to have sexual contact – pressure in this case can mean physical, verbal or emotional pressure.
Sexual coercion can happen even when you’ve been in a relationship for a long time.
The following pages better explain coercion by breaking the definition into smaller parts.
Physical pressure to have sexual contact can include continuing to kiss the victim as he / she tries to pull away.
Hitting, beating, kicking and slapping, holding the victim down, continuing with the sexual behaviour after being told to stop.
Can include nagging, manipulating, threatening to break-up, making the partner feel guilty saying that “everyone is doing it”.
Using a position of authority to get sexual favours. For example: “you can be sure of good marks this term if we have sex”.
Verbal pressure can include threatening to use physical force, shouting, name calling, tricking, lying or blackmailing. For example, “If we don’t have sex tonight, I will leave and never come back”, is coercion.
Giving gifts and/or money, then expecting sex as a payback is coercion.
This is a form of transactional sex where often older rich men (“blessers”) entice young women (“blessees”) with money and expensive gifts in exchange for sexual favors.
It is your right to be treated with dignity, confidentiality and respect.
Alcohol and drugs can harm your judgement, make it hard to resist a sexual situation and could make your partner more aggressive.
If drugs are slipped into your drink, you could pass out and become a victim of date rape.
The act of using alcohol to force someone into having sex is coercion.
Saying no to someone can be very difficult. Predators use the ‘social contract’, our good hearts and the fear of being rude against us.
Let’s imagine a scenario. A girl is at a café and a guy offers to buy her an ice-cream.
Now, if you accept the ice-cream (or soda or alcoholic drink), you’re teaching the person that it only takes a little persistence from them to overcome your No.
But the fact is:
Consent is permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. Sexual consent is agreeing to take part.
Consent is when someone:
Sexual consent is vital for:
Sexual consent is essential regardless of gender identity or sexual identity.
How should someone express consent?
Consent should be clearly and freely communicated. A verbal and positive expression of consent can help both you and your partner to understand and respect each other’s boundaries.
Consent can’t be given by anyone who:
How does consent work?
Can I change my mind at any time?
What is enthusiastic consent?
How can I make sure my partner consents the whole time?
Bodily responses to sexual activity:
Consent is NOT:
Saying NO
In everyday life we say “no” all the time, without actually saying the word.
When it comes to sexual consent, “just say no” is naïve and sadly not very effective advice as it ignores the complex ways that refusals are performed in everyday life - many of which omit the word ‘no’ all together.
Can men tell when there is no consent?
The absence of “no” does not constitute consent in any situation
Green signals can look like:
What are Red Signals of Consent?
Consent cannot be given if a person:
Red signals are:
If the person you’re with is displaying any of the red signals, stop immediately. Proceeding will cause damage or harm.
What are Warning Signals of Consent?
If your partner isn’t asking you to stop but is also not showing any green signals, stop what you’re doing and ask if everything is okay. If your partner reassures you they’re fine but their body language still suggests otherwise, try switching to something non-sexual like watching TV. If they’re keen to be intimate, they will initiate contact again.
Orange Signals can look like:
How do I ask if my partner is enjoying themselves?
Asking if someone is enjoying what you’re doing can be hard - fear of rejection is very real. But it is essential to prevent harm and to ensure both parties have an equally fun, pleasurable experience, which can and does happen all the time!
If your partner is showing you a bunch of green signals but also an orange signal, or you’d like to check they’re still happy, you can ask questions like “Do you like that?” “What do you like?” “What would you like me to do?” “Do you want me to...”
Asking your partner might feel awkward, but if they’re into it, they’re not going to mind being asked. It will make your partner feel respected and cared for to know that you care about how they feel. It’s much better to ask and feel a bit awkward than to not ask and leave them feeling violated.
Child pornography below age 18
In South Africa it is illegal to watch or participate in any form of pornography (‘porn’) if you are under the age of 18. It is also illegal to watch pornography where the participant is under the age of 18, whether you are an adult or not.
Incest consent
Incest is when family members engage in sex with each other. It is illegal. The law bans all sexual acts between family members, regardless of age. There can be no consent to a sexual act with a family member in the same bloodline or adoptive family members.
This means that:
Are there times consent cannot be given at all?
These are all criminally prosecutable by law. That means you can go to prison. But just don’t do it.
Unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature, or behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable is sexual harassment.
Learn to recognise when you feel uncomfortable as a result of another person’s behaviour. Listen to your body, it will tell you when you’re feeling unsafe.
Sexual harassment may include any unwanted physical, verbal or non-verbal contact.
The scale ranges from unwanted comments and unwanted touching on one end – to sexual assault and rape on the other.
Because there are so many subtleties (as in the case of coercion), many young people don’t realise that they are being sexually harassed, nor do they realise that they have any rights.
A voyeur is a person who gets sexual excitement from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point.
This is generally called voyeurism.
Trust your feelings and follow your instincts if you feel uncomfortable with a situation in any way or recognise signs of possible sexual coercion or harassment.
If it feels wrong – it is wrong.
Drugs and alcohol can:
Learn to respond to sexual pressure.
Sit with your friends, talk about and practice ways to say no.
In order to say NO to sex you need to:
When you say NO:
Examples of saying, “I don’t what to have sex yet”, you could say:
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you may be experiencing sexual coercion:
Some tips you can say:
Rape is sexual activity – specifically penetration or sexual violation of the genital organs or anus – perpetrated by one person against the will of another, either by using force or coercion, or by rendering the victim incapable of resisting.
The penetration of a genital organ or another object (such as finger or bottle) into the mouth, anus or vagina of another person without consent also constitutes rape.
More broadly, it may be defined as forcing a person to submit to any penetrative sex act and is generally considered one of the most serious crimes.
Rape is an act of violence that uses sex as a weapon.
Rape is never the fault of the victim. Victims of rape do what they need to in order to survive the attack.
There are many different types of rape that are important to distinguish as well.
Stranger rape
Happens when the victim does not know their offender. Many people believe that this type of rape only happens to women who dress in a certain way, walk alone at night, or park in parking garages. The reality of stranger rape it happens during the day and at night, to people from all different walks of life, and in lots of different places. Rape is never the fault of the victim.
Acquaintance rape
Describes rape where the victim and the perpetrator know each other. The perpetrator might be a partner, co-worker, best friend or neighbour. A high percentage of rapes happen among people who know one another.
Devastatingly, in many cases, a person is raped by someone they know, trust or love.
Date rape
Is a specific kind of acquaintance rape, referring to a rape that occurs between two people who are dating partners. Often the victim is emotionally manipulated, drugged or coerced into having sex with his or her partner.
Date rape often involves spiking of drinks. This means someone puts some kind of drug into your drink without you noticing. It is important for you to keep watch and protect your drink with you when you’re out.
Marital rape
One of the least talked about forms of sexual violence, is rape between married partners. Because of personal and societal barriers to reporting marital rape, it probably happens more often than is known. Even in a marriage, one partner is permitted to say NO to sex.
Child rape
Is when a child is raped.
Baby rape
Is the raping of a baby. These are unspeakably evil crimes.
Statutory rape
Children between 12 – 16 years old are capable of, but not mature enough to consent to sex. Any person who has sex with a child between the ages of 12 – 16 (even with the consent of the child), may be guilty of statutory rape (committing of an act of consensual penetration with a child). This also applies if two children between the ages of 12 and 16 have sex with each other.
Rape is terribly traumatic, so it’s easy to slip into ‘shut down’ or panic mode. It’s hard to do, but try to understand and remember that:
Every victim of rape responds differently – but it is likely that you will benefit from help and support to come to terms with the trauma you’ve been through.
The following points provide a brief overview of a few of the legalities around unwanted sexual contact, but the law is very complicated.
Get legal advice if you are unsure.
Speak to a lawyer to clarify any legal questions.
All sexual offences committed against children must be reported to the police.
In terms of section 54 of the Act, knowledge of a sexual offence that has been committed against a child must be reported to the police immediately and failure to do so constitutes an offence and a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 5 years may be imposed upon conviction of such a person.
Ukweshelana yisenzo sokuhlangana nixoxa emicimbini yezenhlalo enisuke nivumelane ngayo,emphakathini nihamba ndawonye njengazeshelani. Lokhu kungaba ukuba nesiphuzo ndawonye noma ukudla ndawonye, niyobukela ifilimu noma niye emdlalweni, noma niye ephathini ndawonye.
Iningi lentsha lididanisa ukujwayelana nocansi lapho lishela.
Kunemiphumela enamandla yemizwa ehambisana nobudlelwano obunocansi, kodwa uma nisebancane anivamisile ukukubona lokhu.
Ngesinye isikhathi abantu bacabanga ukuthi uma beya ocansini nabathandana nabo lokhu kusho ukuthi bayogcina behlala ndawonye. Lokhu kuvame ukungabi njalo. Empeleni ngaphambi kokwenza ucansi, kungasiza ukuxoxa ngokuthi nilindele ini emva kwalokho nokuthi ukwenza ucansi kungasishintsha kanjani leso sinqumo.
Ngesinye isikhathi kulindeleke ukuba kwenziwe ucansi ngosuku enivumelene ngalo oluyingxenye yokweshelana kanti futhi eneshelana naye angase azithole ecindezelekile ukuya ocansini.
Abaningi abantu abasha abangena ebudlelwaneni obunocansi bagcina belimala emoyeni, babe nomuzwa wokwaliwa futhi bazizwe bephoxekile.
Ngesinye isikhathi uzithola ezimweni lapho imizwa enamandla ikwehlula.
Yima ucabange kuqala.
Khumbula ukucabanga ngemiphumela…
Kwesinye isikhathi ungangena esimweni lapho uphoqeka ukuba uye ocansini ungathandi.
Unelungelo lokuba uthi Qha!
Akekho onelungelo lokukuphoqa ukuba wenze ucansi, noma ngabe buyini ubudlelwano bakho naye.
Lokhu kusho ukuthi akekho ongakuphoqa ukuba wenze ucansi noma akuthinte ngandlela thile ngaphandle kwemvume yakho noma akuphoqe ukuba wenze izenzo zocansi ozithola zingajabulisi noma zilulaza.
Ziningi izinhlobo zocansi oluphoqelelwe:
Kubalulekile ukuqonda umehluko phakathi kwazo, nokuthi zihlotshaniswa kanjani.
Ngeshwa, ngenxa yokuthula kungadalulwa okuphathelene nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, zibe ningi izinkoleloze okuqhanyukwe nazo.
Izinkoleloze ezifana nalezi:
“Wacela ukudlwengulwa ngokugqoka leso siketi esifushane”
“Abesifazane kuphela abadlwengulwayo”
“Le ngane inamanga – uyise uyindoda elungile”
AKEKHO ocela ukudlwengulwa, nabadlwenguliwe akumele kusolwe bona ngokuziphatha komdlwenguli.
Njengoba ubona emdwebeni, lokhu kuziphatha kubandakanya:
Uchungechunge uluvamile lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi ukungabi namandla nokwehluleka komgilwa ukulawula lesi simo.
Enye yezindlela zokuziphatha evamile ngokufuna ucansi ngokweqile ibizwa ngokuthi wucansi oluphoqiwe.
Ukuphoqa ngokocansi kunzima ukukuchaza ngoba kwesinye isikhathi kubanzima ukukubona.
Ukuphoqa kuchazwa ngokuthi “isenzo sokucindezela (noma sokuzama ukucindezela) omunye njengalokhu:
ukuya ocansini ngaphandle kwentando yakho”,,
“Ukuswela komuntu ukuzikhethela ngaphandle kwemiphumela enzima yezenhlalo, yesimo somzimba nesomoya”.
Ukubeka ngendlela elula, lokhu kusho ukuthi umuntu akakwazi ukuthi ‘qha’ ngoba ukholwa yikuthi uzobhekana nemiphumela enzima.
Isibonelo – ukushaywa, ukuthuliswa, ukwesatshiswa, ukuhlushwa emoyeni, ukwephucwa izinto, noma ukujeziswa ngandlela thile njl.
Ngesinye isikhathi uzithola ezimweni lapho uphoqwa khona ukwenza ucansi ungathandi.
AKEKHO ongakuphoqa ukuba wenze ucansi uma wena ungathandi.
Khumbula ukuthi unganquma ukuthi uyalufuna yini ucansi, ulufuna nini nokuthi ulufuna kanjani. Ungazikhethela wena. Umzimba ngowakho, ungazikhethela, isinqumo ngesakho kanye nelungelo ngelakho.
Umthetho uthi unelungelo lokuthatha izinqumo ngokukhulelwa.
AKEKHO ongakuphoqa ukuba wenze ucansi noma ukhulelwe uma kungesona isifiso sakho leso.
Uma kuzwakala kungalungile kuwena - akulungile. Lalela imizwa yakho.
Udlame ebudlelwaneni alwamukelekile.
Kwesinye isikhathi izithandani zike zicabange ukuthi kufanele zenze lokho okushiwo yintombi noma yisoka.
Abanye abafana bakholelwa ukuthi kuyilungelo labo ukwenza izinqumo.
BOBABILI abathandanayo kumele bavumelane ngokuya ocansini nangemigomo abazobe belwenza ngaphansi kwayo. Uma omunye ephoqa athandana naye ukuba aye ocansini ngaphandle kwentando yakhe, lokho kuyimpoqo.
Njengoba sekushiwo, ukuphoqwa ngokocansi kunzima ukukuchaza. Ngoba kunezinto eziningi ezifihlekile – kwenzeka ezimweni eziningi ezahlukahlukene.
Ukuphoqwa ngaphansi kwengcindezi yokwenza ucansi nomuntu – ingcindezi lapha kungasho ukuphoqwa ngokomzimba, ngodlame ngamazwi noma ngokwephula umoya.
Ukuphoqwa ngokocansi kungenzeka ngisho usunesikhathi eside nithandana.
Amakhasi alandelayo achaza kangcono ukuphoqelela ngokukwehlukanisa ngezigatshana ezincane.
Ingcindezi engokomzimba yokufuna ukuthintana ngokobulili ibandakanya ukuqhubeka ukuqabula omunye noma engafuni.
Ukushaya, ukukhahlela, ukusakaza ngempama, nokucindelela phansi ohlukunyezwayo, ukuqhubeka nokuziphatha okungafanele ngokocansi noma sekuthiwa yeka.
Kungabandakanya ukubelesela, ukukhohlisa, ukwesabisa ngokuthi uzomala, ukumenza azizwe enecala ethi ”nokho wonke umuntu uyakwenza lokhu”.
Ukusebenzisa igunya ngokwesikhundla ukuthola ilungela lokuvunyelwa ukwenza ucansi. Ukwenza isibonelo: “Nakanjani uzothola amamaki amahle kulesi sigaba sonyaka ngokwemfundo uma singenza ucansi”.
Ingcindezi ngokukhuluma ingabandakanya ukusabisa ngokusebenzisa amandla, ukumemeza, ukumbeka izici, ukukhohlisa, ukuqamba amanga noma ngokuyenga ngamazwi. Isibonelo, “Uma singalwenzi ucansi namuhla ngizohamba ngingaphinde ngibuye”, lokhu wukuphoqa.
Ukunikeza izipho kanye/ noma imali, bese ulindela ucansi njengenkokhelo kuwukuphoqa.
Lokhu kuyisimo lapho kushintshiselwana ngocansi lapho owesilisa omdala ocebile (“umbusisi”) eyenga abesifazane abasebasha ”ababusiswa”) ngemali nezipho ezibizayo ukuze athole ucansi.
Kuyilungelo lakho ukuphathwa ngendlela enesithunzi, ngokunemfihlo nangenhlonipho.
Utshwala nezidakamizwa kungaphazamisa ukwahlulela kwakho, kwenze kube nzima ukumelana nesimo socansi futhi kungabanga ulaka kulowo othandana naye.
Uma izidakamizwa zifakwa esiphuzweni sakho ungaquleka ube ngumgilwa wokudlwengulwa.
Isenzo sokusebenzisa utshwala ukuphoqa umuntu ukuba aye ocansini siyimpoqo.
Ukuthi cha komunye kungase kube nzima. Abanye abaxhaphazi basebenzisa kabi izinhliziyo zethu ezinhle nokwesaba kwethu ukuba luhlaza.
Ake sicabange lesi sibonelo. Intombazane isendaweni yokudlela futhi insizwa ithembisa ukuyithengela u “ice cream”
Manje, uma uwamukela u “ice cream( (noma isiphuzo isoda kumbe utshwala) ufundisa lo muntu ukuthi ukuphikelela encenga kungamenza akunqobe ekutheni kwakho QHA..
Kepha ke iqiniso yileli:
Imvume ingukuvumela ukuba okuthile kungenzeka noma isivumelwano sokwenza okuthile. Imvume yocansi ingukuvuma ukubamba iqhaza.
Imvume yilapho umuntu:
Imvume ngocansi ibalulekile kulokhu:
Imvume yocansi ibalulekile kungakhathalekile ukuthi ubulili bakho buyini noma ngokocansi uyini.
Umuntu kufanele ukuba azwakalise kanjani ukuthi uyavuma?
Imvume kufanele ikhulunywe ngokucacile nangokukhululekile. Inkulumo yemvume yomlomo neqondile ingasiza wena nothandana naye ukuthi niqonde futhi nihloniphe imingcele yomunye nomunye.
Imvume ingenikwe yinoma ngubani:
Isebenza kanjani imvume?
Ngingawushintsha yini umqondo wami noma ngasiphi isikhathi?
Iyini imvume engangabazeki?
Ngingaqiniseka kanjani ukuthi engithandana naye uyavuma ngasosonke isikhathi?
Ukuziphendulela ngomzimba ezenzweni zocansi:
Ukuthi QHA
Empilweni yansuku zonke siyasho sithi “qha” ngasosonke isikhathi, ngaphandle kokusebenzisa leli gama.
Uma kukhulunywa ngemvume yocansi, “ukuvele uthi qha” kuzwakala kuwukungabi nalwazi futhi ngokudabukisayo akusona iseluleko esinamandla kanti futhi kuyindlela ehlukile (yokwenqaba) kwezivame ukusetshenziswa empilweni yansuku zonke -eziningi zalezi zindlela, kaziliphathi kwakuliphatha.
Ingabe amadoda ayabona yini uma imvume ingekho?
Ukungabikho kuka “qha” akusho imvume kunoma yisiphi isimo
Izimpawu eziluhlaza zubukeka kanje:
Ziyini izimpawu ezibomvu zemvume?
Imvume ingeke inikezwe uma umuntu:
Izimpawu ezibomvu yilezi:
Uma umuntu onaye ebonisa noma yiziphi izimpawu ezibomvu yima ngokushesha. Ukuqhubeka kuzodala umonakalo noma ukulimala.
Yiziphi izimpawu eziyisexwayiso semvume?
Uma othandana naye engakuceli ukuthi ume kodwa futhi engakhombisi izimpawu eziluhlaza, yeka lokho okwenzayo futhi ubuze ukuthi kusahamba kahle yini. Uma enithandana naye eqinisekisa ukuthi kuhamba kahle kodwa umzimba wakhe uphikisana nalokho, zama enye indlela, zama ukushintshela kokunye okungaphathelene nocansi njengokubuka i-TV. Uma efuna ukuba niqhubeke nocansi, uzokuthinta akhombise ukuthi uyafuna ukuthintwa.
Izimpawu eziphuzi zingabukeka kanje:
Ngimbuza kanjani engithandana naye ukuthi uthokozile yini?
Ukubuza ukuthi uyakuthokozela yini okwenzekayo kungaba nzima- ukwesaba ukwaliwa kuyiqiniso langempela. Kodwa kubalulekile ukuvimbela ukulimala kanye nokuqinisekisa ukuthi bobabili abathintekayo bajabula ngokulinganayo kwabahlangene ngakho, okujabulisayo okungenzeka futhi ngasosonke isikhathi.
Uma othandana naye ekhombisa izimpawu eziningi eziluhlaza, kepha futhi enophawu oluphuzi, kumbe ufisa ukuthola ukuthi usathokoza yini, ungabuza imibuzo efana nale “Uyakuthanda yini lokhu?” “Uthandani” “Ungathanda ukuba ngenzeni?” “Uyathanda yini ukuba ngi…?”
Ukubuza othandana naye kungase kungabi yinto elula, kepha ngoba ukuso lesi simo, ngeke kwamhlupha ukubuzwa kunalokho uzozibona ehloniphekile futhi enakekelwe, ebona ukuthi uyazikhathaza ngokuthi uphatheke kanjani. Kungcono ukubuza, noma kungelula kunokungabuzi kanti mhlawumbe uzizwa ehlukumezekile.
Izithombe zocansi ezinganeni ezingaphansi kweminyaka eyi-18
ENingizimu Afrika kuyicala ukubuka noma ukubandakanyeka noma ngaluphi uhlobo ezithombeni zocansi uma ungaphansi kweminyaka eyi-18. Kulicala futhi ukubuka lolo hlobo lwezithombe lapho abazibukayo beneminyaka engaphansi kweli 18, umdala noma ungemdala.
Imvume yokulalana kwezihlobo
“Ucansi lomndeni/ incest” yilapho amalungu omndeni ezibandakanya namanye amalungu awo lowo mndeni. Lokhu kuwukwephula umthetho. Umthetho unqabela lonke uhlobo lokuzibandakanya ocansini phakathi kwamalungu omndeni, noma ngabe labo banamiphi iminyaka yobudala. Ayikho imvume engaba khona yokwenza ucansi nesihlobo sakho segazi, nanalabo asebemukeleke njengamalungu alowo mndeni ngokomthetho.
Lokhu kusho ukuthi:
Zikhona yini izikhathi lapho imvume ingeke yanikezwa nhlobo?
Kukho konke lokhu ungashushiwa ngokomthetho. Lokho kusho ukuthi ungabhadla ejele. Akufanele kwenziwe.
Ukuziphatha okungemukelekile okuphathelene nocansi, noma ukuziphatha okukwenza uzizwe ungakhululekile kuwukuhlukumeza ngokocansi
Funda ukubona lapho uzizwa ungakhululekile ngenxa yokuziphatha komunye umuntu. Lalela umzimba wakho, uzokutshela uma uzizwa ungaphephile.
Ukuhlukumeza ngokocansi kungase kuhlanganise noma yikuphi ukuthintana ngomzimba, ngamazwi noma ungakhulumanga nje. Ngokwesilinganiso kusukela nje ekuphawuleni okungamukelekile kanye nokuthinta okungafuneki – kuya ekunukubezweni ngokocansi nokudlwengula ngakolunye uhlangothi.
Ngenxa yokuthi buningi ubuqili (njengasodabeni lokuphoqelela), intsha eningi ayiqapheli ukuthi iyahlukunyezwa ngokobulili, futhi ayiqapheli ukuthi inamalungelo.
I“voyeur” ngumuntu othola injabulo yocansi ngokubuka imizimba yabantu benqunu noma izenzo zabanye zocansi, ikakhulu endaweni eyimfihlo.
Lokhu ngokujwayelekile kubizwa ngokuthi yi“voyeurism”,
Themba imizwa yakho futhi ulandele imizwa yakho yemvelo (instincts) uma uzizwa ungakhululekile ngesimo noma ngayiphi indlela noma ubona izimpawu zokuphoqeleka ngokocansi okungaba khona noma ukuhlukumeza.
Uma uzwa kungalungile - akulungile!
Izidakamizwa notshwala:
Funda ukwenza okufanele mayelana nengcindezi yocansi.
Hlala nabangani bakho, nixoxe futhi nizilolonge ngezindlela zokuthi qha.
Ukuze uthi QHA udinga lokhu:
Uma uthi QHA:
Izibonelo zokuthi, “Angithandi ukwenza ucansi okwamanje”/ ungathi:
Uma ukwazi ukuphendula ngo ‘yebo’ kunoma ngumuphi wale mibuzo, kungenzeka ukuba ubhekene nokuphoqwa ngokocansi:
Amanye amasu ongawasebenzisa:
Ukudlwengula kuyisenzo socansi - ukufakwa kwesitho ngokocansi noma ukuhlukumeza ngokocansi ezithweni zangasese noma ngemuva ezinqeni – kwenziwa ngomunye umuntu komunye ngaphandle kwentando yakhe, esebenzisa amandla noma ngokwenza lowo odlwengulwayo angakwazi ukumelana naleso simo.
Ukungena kwesitho sangasese noma enye into (njengomunwe noma ibhodlela) emlonyeni, esithweni sangasese somunye ngaphandle kwemvume yakhe kusho ukudlwengula.
Ngokubanzi, kungachazwa njengokuphoqelela umuntu ukuba athobele noma yisiphi isenzo sokungenwa ngokocansi, ngokujwayelekile lokhu kuthathwa njengelinye lamacala amakhulu.
Ukudlwengula kuyisenzo sobudlova esisebenzisa ucansi njengesikhali.
Ukudlwengula akusilona iphutha lodlwengulwayo. Abadlwengulwayo benza lokho okungabenza baphephe kulolu hlobo lokuhlaselwa.
Ziningi izinhlobo zokudlwengula okubalulekile ukuba sizahlukanise kahle.
Ukudlwengulwa ngongamazi
Kwenzeka lapho umgilwa engamazi omdlwengulile. Abantu abaningi bakholelwa ukuthi lolu hlobo lokudlwengula lwenzeka kuphela kwabesifazane abagqoka ngendlela ethile, abahamba bodwa ebusuku, noma abamisa izimoto zabo emagaraji okupaka. Iqiniso lokudlwengula umuntu ongamazi liwukuthi lokhu kwenzeka emini nasebusuku, kubantu abavela kuzozonke izizinda zokuphila, nasezindaweni eziningi ezahlukene. Ukudlwengula akusilona iphutha lodlwenguliwe.
Ukudlwengulwa ngomaziyo (omjwayele)
Kuchaza ukudlwengula lapho umgilwa nomdlwenguli bazana. Umenzi wobubi kungaba ngumuntu othandana naye, kungaba isisebenzi, umngani omkhulu noma umakhelwane. Ingxenye enkulu yokudlwengulwa yenzeka kubantu abazanayo.
Okubuhlungu, ukuthi ezikhathini eziningi umuntu udlwengulwa ngumuntu amaziyo, amethembayo noma amthandayo.
Ukudlwengulwa yisesheli (date rape)
Uhlobo oluthile lokudlwengulwa ngojwayelene nabo, kuchaza ukudlwengulwa okwenzeka phakathi kwabantu ababili abathandanayo, abasafundana. Ngokujwayelekile umgilwa uyengwa ngokuba azwele lo ofuna ukumdlwengula, anikwe izidakamizwa noma aphoqwe ukuba aye ocansini yilowo abasafundana naye.
Ukudlwengulwa ngosafundana naye kuvamise ukubandakanya ukufakwa kokuthile eziphuzweni. Lolu hlobo lokudlwengula luvame ukubandakanya ukulunjwa kweziphuzo. Lokhu kusho ukuthi othile ukufakela isidakamizwa esithile esiphuzweni sakho ungaboni. Kubalulekile ukuba uhlale uqaphile usivikele isiphuzo sakho nalapho usaphumile.
Ukudlwengulwa kwabashadile
Okunye okungavamile ukukhulunywa ngakho kakhulu kumayelana nodlame ngokocansi, ukudlwengulwa kwabashadile. Ngenxa yemigoqo yomuntu siqu kanye neyomphakathi mayelana nokubika ukudlwengula emshadweni, cishe kwenzeka kaningi kunalokho okwaziwayo. Ngisho nasemshadweni, omunye uvunyelwe ukuba athi QHA ocansini.
Ukudlwengula ingane
Yilapho kudlwengulwa ingane.
Ukudlwengulwa kosana
Lokhu kuwukudlwengulwa kwengane encane kakhulu. Lawa ngamacala amabi kakhulu ngendlela engachazeki.
Ukudlwengulwa komuntu osemncane (statutory rape)
Izingane eziphakathi kweminyaka eyi-12 kuya kweyi-16 ubudala zingahle zilwenze ucansi, kodwa azikhulile ngokwanele ukuvuma ukwenza ucansi. Noma ngubani owenza ucansi nengane eneminyaka eyi-12 kuya kweyi-16 (ngisho noma ivumile ingane), angaba necala lokudlwengula ingane(ukwenza icala lokuya ocansini nengane akuvumelekile). Lokhu futhi kuyenzeka uma izingane ezimbili eziphakathi kweminyaka eyi-12 kanye neyi-16 ziya ocansini.
Ukudlwengulwa kuhlukumezana kakhulu, lokho kwenza kube lula kumuntu ukuba akhungatheke noma abe sesimweni sokwethuka. Kunzima ukwenza, kodwa zama ukuqonda nokukhumbula lokhu:
Abadlwenguliwe baziphendulela ngezindlela ezahlukene - kepha kungenzeka uhlomule osizweni nasekusekelweni ukuze wamukele ukuhlukumezeka adlule kukho.
La maphuzu alandelayo anikeza umbono omfishane wemithetho embalwa mayelana nokuthinta ucansi olungafuneki, kepha lo mthetho ulukhuni kakhulu. Thola iseluleko somthetho uma ungaqinisekile.
Khuluma nommeli ukukucacisela noma yimiphi imibuzo ephathelene nomthetho.
Onke amacala ocansi enziwa ezinganeni kufanele abikwe emaphoyiseni.
Ngokwesigaba 54 somthetho, ulwazi mayelana necala locansi elenziwe enganeni kufanele lubikwe emaphoyiseni ngokushesha futhi ukwehluleka ukwenza lokho kuyicala kungaba nenhlawulo noma ukugqunywa ejele isikhathi esingeqile eminyakani emi-5 uma umdlwenguli elahlwe yilelo cala.
Dating is gewoonlik ‘n manier waarop twee mense saam ‘n sosiale aktiwiteit bywoon in die openbaar saam as 'n paartjie. Dit kan 'n drankie of 'n ete saam wees, na 'n fliek of 'n sportgeleentheid gaan, of selfs saam na 'n partytjie gaan.
Baie jongmense verwar dating met seks.
Daar is sterk emosionele gevolge wat met 'n seksuele verhouding kom, maar wanneer jy jonger is, besef jy dit dikwels nie.
Soms dink mense dat seks met hul maat beteken dat hulle saam sal bly. Dit is dikwels nie die geval nie. Ideaal gesproke, voor jy seks het, sal dit help om te praat oor wat julle albei verwag en hoe seks dit kan verander.
Soms is daar 'n verwagting om seks op 'n afspraak te hê en die maat voel onder druk om seks te hê.
Baie adolessente wat seksuele verhoudings betree, ervaar seerkry, verwerping en skaamte.
Soms kom jy in situasies waar baie sterk gevoelens jou kan oorwin.
Stop en dink eers
Onthou om oor die nagevolge te dink...
Soms kan jy in situasies kom waar jy gedwing word om seks teen jou wil te hê.
Jy het die reg om NEE te sê!
Niemand het die reg om jou tot seksuele aktiwiteite te dwing nie, maak nie saak wat jou verhouding met die persoon is nie.
Dit beteken dat niemand jou kan dwing om seks te hê of op 'n seksuele manier aan jou kan raak sonder jou toestemming of jou kan dwing om seksuele aktiwiteite uit te voer wat jy onaangenaam of vernederend vind nie.
Daar is baie verskillende tipes gedwonge seks:
Dit is belangrik om die verskille tussen hulle te verstaan, asook hoe hulle aan mekaar gekoppel is.
Ongelukkig, as gevolg van die stilte wat seksuele aanranding omring, is baie mites geskep.
Mites soos:
“Sy het gevra om verkrag te word deur daardie kort romp te dra”
“Slegs vroue kan verkrag word”
"Daardie kind lieg - die pa is 'n goeie man"
NIEMAND vra om verkrag te word nie, en ook nie slagoffers is te blameer vir die gedrag van die verkragter nie.
Om die web van ongewenste seksuele kontak te verstaan en hoe hulle almal gekoppel is:
Soos jy uit die diagram kan sien, sluit hierdie gedrag in:
Die algemene nagevolg van seksuele aanranding is die verlies aan mag en beheer wat die slagoffer ervaar.
Een van die mees algemene vorme van seksueel aggressiewe gedrag word seksuele dwang genoem.
Seksuele dwang is moeilik om te definieer omdat dit soms moeilik is om te herken.
Dwang word gedefinieer as "die daad om 'n ander individu te dwing (of te probeer dwing).
om seksuele kontak te hê teen sy of haar wil”,
"'n Persoon se gebrek aan keuse om 'n ander opsie te volg sonder ernstige sosiale, fisiese of emosionele gevolge."
Meer eenvoudig, dit beteken dat 'n persoon nie in staat is om nee te sê nie, want hulle glo dat hulle gevolge sal ondervind wat vir hulle moeilik kan wees.
Byvoorbeeld – geslaan, gedreig, emosioneel gemartel, van dinge ontneem, of op een of ander manier gestraf word, ens.
Soms kom jy in situasies waar jy gedwing word om seks teen jou wil te hê.
NIEMAND mag jou dwing om seks teen jou wil te hê nie.
Onthou jy kan besluit of jy seks wil hê, wanneer jy seks wil hê en hoe jy seks wil hê. Dis jou keuse. Dit is jou liggaam, jou keuse, jou besluit en jou reg.
Die wet sê jy het die reg om besluite te neem oor swangerskap.
NIEMAND mag jou dwing om seks te hê of swanger te raak as jy nie wil nie.
Dit voel vir jou verkeerd – dit is verkeerd. Luister na jou gevoelens.
Geweld in 'n verhouding is nooit aanvaarbaar nie.
Soms dink mense dat hulle moet doen wat hul kêrel/meisie sê.
Sommige mans/seuns glo dat dit hul reg is om die besluite te neem.
Dit is NIE reg NIE.
BEIDE persone moet instem om seks te hê, en op watter voorwaardes. As een persoon sy maat dwing om seksuele kontak teen hul wil te hê, is dit dwang.
Soos genoem, is seksuele dwang moeilik om te definieer omdat dit baie subtiliteite het – dit kom in soveel verskillende situasies voor.
Dwang onder druk om seksuele kontak te hê – druk kan in hierdie geval fisiese, verbale of emosionele druk beteken.
Seksuele dwang kan gebeur selfs wanneer jy lank in 'n verhouding is.
Die volgende bladsye verduidelik dwang beter deur die definisie in kleiner dele op te breek.
Fisiese druk om seksuele kontak te hê kan insluit om voort te gaan om die slagoffer te soen terwyl hy/sy probeer wegtrek.
Slaan, skop en klap, hou die slagoffer vas, gaan voort met die seksuele gedrag nadat hulle aangesê is om op te hou.
Kan insluit om te neul, te manipuleer, dreig om op te breek, om die maat skuldig te laat voel deur te sê dat "almal doen dit".
Gebruik 'n gesagsposisie om seksuele gunste te kry. Byvoorbeeld: "jy kan seker wees van goeie punte hierdie kwartaal as ons seks het".
Verbale druk kan dreig om fisieke geweld te gebruik, skree, bedrieëry, lieg of afpersing insluit. Byvoorbeeld, "As ons nie vanaand seks het nie, sal ek loop en nooit terugkom nie", is dwang.
Om geskenke en/of geld te gee, om dan seks as 'n terugbetaling te verwag, is dwang.
Dit is 'n vorm van transaksionele seks waar dikwels ouer ryk mans ("blessers") jong vroue ('blesses') verlei met geld en duur geskenke in ruil vir seksuele gunste.
Dit is jou reg om met waardigheid, vertroulikheid en respek behandel te word.
Alkohol en dwelms kan jou oordeel benadeel, dit moeilik maak om 'n seksuele situasie te weerstaan en kan jou maat meer aggressief maak.
As dwelms in jou drankie geglip word, kan jy flou word en 'n slagoffer van afspraakverkragting word.
Die daad om alkohol te gebruik om iemand te dwing om seks te hê, is dwang.
Om vir iemand nee te sê kan baie moeilik wees. Roofdiere gebruik die 'sosiale kontrak', ons goeie harte en die vrees om onbeskof teenoor ons te wees.
Kom ons stel ons 'n scenario voor. 'n Meisie is by 'n kafee en 'n ou bied aan om vir haar 'n roomys te koop.
Hy gaan weg en kom terug na die tafel met twee roomyse.
Nou, as jy die roomys (of koeldrank of alkoholiese drankie) aanvaar, leer jy die persoon dat dit net 'n bietjie aanhou van hulle verg om jou NEE te oorkom..
Die feit is:
om iemand anders magtig te laat voel.
Die kuns van "nee" (Jennifer P)
Toestemming is toestemming vir iets te gee om te gebeur of ooreenkoms om iets te doen. Seksuele toestemming is om in te stem om deel te neem.
Toestemming is wanneer iemand:
Seksuele toestemming is noodsaaklik vir:
Seksuele toestemming is noodsaaklik ongeag geslagsidentiteit of seksuele identiteit.
Hoe moet iemand toestemming uitspreek?
Toestemming moet duidelik en vrylik gekommunikeer word. ’n Verbale en positiewe uitdrukking van toestemming kan jou en jou maat help om mekaar se grense te verstaan en te respekteer.
Toestemming kan nie gegee word deur enigiemand wat:
Hoe werk toestemming?
Kan ek enige tyd van plan verander?
Wat is entoesiastiese toestemming?
Hoe kan ek seker maak dat my maat heeltyd instem?
Liggaamlike reaksies op seksuele aktiwiteit:
Toestemming is NIE:
In die alledaagse lewe sê ons heeltyd “nee”, sonder om eintlik die woord te sê.
Wanneer dit by seksuele toestemming kom, is “sê net nee” naïef en ongelukkig nie baie effektiewe advies nie, aangesien dit die komplekse maniere waarop weiering in die alledaagse lewe uitgevoer word, ignoreer - waarvan baie die woord 'nee' heeltemal weglaat.
Kan mans sê wanneer daar geen toestemming is nie?
Die afwesigheid van "nee" stel nie toestemming in enige situasie uit nie
Goen seine kan soos volg lyk:
Wat is Rrooi Seine van Toestemming?
Toestemming kan nie gegee word indien 'n persoon:
Rooi seine is:
As die persoon met wie jy is enige van die rooi seine vertoon, stop dadelik. Om voort te gaan sal skade veroorsaak.
Wat is Waarskuwingseine van Toestemming?
As jou maat jou nie vra om op te hou nie, maar ook geen groen seine wys nie, stop wat jy doen en vra of alles reg is. As jou maat jou verseker alles is reg met hulle, maar hul lyftaal dui steeds anders aan, probeer om oor te skakel na iets nie-seksueel soos TV kyk. As hulle gretig is om intiem te wees, sal hulle weer kontak begin.
Oranje seine kan soos volg lyk:
Hoe vra ek of my maat hulself geniet?
Om te vra of iemand geniet wat jy doen, kan moeilik wees - vrees vir verwerping is baie werklik. Maar dit is noodsaaklik om ongemaklikheid te voorkom en om te verseker dat beide partye 'n ewe prettige, aangename ervaring het, wat heeltyd kan en gebeur!
As jou maat vir jou 'n klomp groen seine wys, maar ook 'n oranje sein, of jy wil seker maak dat hulle nog gelukkig is, kan jy vrae vra soos "Hou jy daarvan?" "Waarvan hou jy?" “Wat wil jy hê moet ek doen?” “Wil jy hê ek moet...”
Om jou maat te vra, kan dalk ongemaklik voel, maar as hulle daarvan hou, gaan hulle nie omgee om gevra te word nie. Dit sal jou maat gerespekteer en versorg laat voel om te weet dat jy omgee vir hoe hulle voel. Dit is baie beter om te vra en 'n bietjie ongemaklik te voel as om nie te vra en hulle geskend te laat voel nie.
Kinderpornografie onder die ouderdom van 18
In Suid-Afrika is dit onwettig om enige vorm van pornografie te kyk of daaraan deel te neem as jy onder die ouderdom van 18 is. Dit is ook onwettig om pornografie te kyk waar die deelnemer onder die ouderdom van 18 is, of jy 'n volwasse is of nie.
Bloedskande toestemming
Bloedskande is wanneer familielede seks met mekaar het. Dit is onwettig. Die wet verbied alle seksuele dade tussen familielede, ongeag ouderdom. Daar kan geen toestemming tot 'n seksuele daad met 'n familielid in dieselfde bloedlyn of aanneemfamilielede wees nie.
Dit beteken dat:
Is daar tye dat toestemming glad nie gegee kan word nie?
Dit is almal krimineel vervolgbaar deur die wet. Dit beteken jy kan tronk toe gaan. Maar moet dit net nie doen nie.
Onwelkome gedrag van 'n seksuele aard, of gedrag wat jou ongemaklik laat voel, is seksuele teistering.
Leer om te herken wanneer jy ongemaklik voel as gevolg van 'n ander persoon se gedrag. Luister na jou liggaam, dit sal jou vertel wanneer jy onveilig voel.
Seksuele teistering kan enige ongewenste fisiese, verbale of nie-verbale kontak insluit. Die skaal wissel van ongewenste kommentaar en ongewenste aanraking aan die een kant – tot seksuele aanranding en verkragting aan die ander kant.
Omdat daar soveel subtiliteite is (soos in die geval van dwang), besef baie jongmense nie dat hulle seksueel geteister word nie, en besef ook nie dat hulle enige regte het nie.
'n Voyeur is 'n persoon wat seksuele opwinding kry deur die naakte liggame of seksuele dade van ander waar te neem, veral vanuit 'n geheime uitkykpunt.
Dit word algemeen voyeurisme genoem.
Vertrou jou gevoelens en volg jou instinkte as jy op enige manier ongemaklik voel met ’n situasie of tekens van moontlike seksuele dwang of teistering herken.
As dit verkeerd voel – is dit verkeerd!
Dwelms en alkohol kan:
Leer om op seksuele druk te reageer.
Sit saam met jou vriende, praat oor en oefen maniere om NEE te sê.
Om NEE vir seks te sê, moet jy:
Wanneer jy NEE sê:
Voorbeelde: "Ek wil nog nie seks hê nie", kan jy sê:
As jy ja kan antwoord op enige van hierdie vrae, ervaar jy dalk seksuele dwang:
'n Paar wenke wat jy kan sê:
Verkragting is seksuele aktiwiteit – spesifiek penetrasie of seksuele skending van die geslagsorgane of anus – wat deur een persoon gepleeg word teen die wil van 'n ander, hetsy deur geweld of dwang te gebruik, of deur die slagoffer onbekwaam te maak om weerstand te bied.
Die penetrasie van 'n geslagsorgaan of 'n ander voorwerp (soos vinger of bottel) in die mond, anus of vagina van 'n ander persoon sonder toestemming is ook verkragting.
Anders gestel, kan dit gedefinieer word as om 'n persoon te dwing om hom aan enige penetrerende seksdaad te onderwerp en word oor die algemeen as een van die ernstigste misdade beskou.
Verkragting is 'n daad van geweld wat seks as 'n wapen gebruik.
Verkragting is nooit die slagoffer se skuld nie. Slagoffers van verkragting doen wat hulle moet om die aanval te oorleef.
Daar is baie verskillende soorte verkragting wat ook belangrik is om te onderskei.
Vreemdeling verkragting
Gebeur wanneer die slagoffer nie hul oortreder ken nie. Baie mense glo dat hierdie tipe verkragting net gebeur met vroue wat op 'n sekere manier aantrek, snags alleen stap of in parkeergarages parkeer. Die realiteit van vreemdeling verkragting, dit gebeur gedurende die dag en in die nag, met mense van alle verskillende vlakke van die lewe, en in baie verskillende plekke. Verkragting is nooit die slagoffer se skuld nie.
Kennis verkragting
Waar die slagoffer en die oortreder mekaar ken. Die oortreder kan 'n maat, medewerker, beste vriend of buurman wees. ’n Hoë persentasie verkragtings vind plaas onder mense wat mekaar ken.
Ongelukkig in baie gevalle word 'n persoon verkrag deur iemand wat hulle ken, vertrou of liefhet.
Afspaak verkragting (“Date Rape”)
Is 'n spesifieke soort kennisverkragting, wat verwys na 'n verkragting wat plaasvind tussen twee mense wat uitgaanmaats is. Dikwels word die slagoffer emosioneel gemanipuleer, bedwelm of gedwing om seks met sy of haar maat te hê.
Afspraak verkragting behels dikwels die aanvulling van drankies. Dit beteken dat iemand 'n soort dwelmmiddel in jou drankie sit sonder dat jy dit agterkom. Dit is belangrik vir jou om dop te hou en jou drankie saam met jou te beskerm wanneer jy uit is.
Een van die vorme van seksuele geweld waaroor die minste gepraat word, is verkragting tussen getroude maats. As gevolg van persoonlike en maatskaplike hindernisse om huweliksverkragting aan te meld, gebeur dit waarskynlik meer gereeld as wat bekend is. Selfs in 'n huwelik word een maat toegelaat om NEE vir seks te sê.
Is wanneer 'n kind verkrag word.
Baba verkragting
Is die verkragting van 'n baba. Dit is onuitspreeklike bose misdade.
Statutêre verkragting
Kinders tussen 12 – 16 jaar oud is in staat tot seks, maar is nie volwasse genoeg nie. Enige persoon wat seks het met 'n kind tussen die ouderdomme van 12 – 16 (selfs met die toestemming van die kind), kan skuldig wees aan statutêre verkragting (die pleeg van 'n daad van konsensuele penetrasie met 'n kind). Dit geld ook as twee kinders tussen die ouderdomme van 12 en 16 seks met mekaar het.
Verkragting is verskriklik traumaties, so dit is maklik om in 'shut down' of paniekmodus te glip. Dit is moeilik om te doen, maar probeer dit verstaan en onthou:
Elke slagoffer van verkragting reageer anders – maar dit is waarskynlik dat jy sal baat by hulp en ondersteuning om die trauma waardeur jy is te verwerk.
Die volgende punte gee 'n kort oorsig van 'n paar van die wettigheid rondom ongewenste seksuele kontak, maar die wet is baie ingewikkeld. Kry regsadvies as jy onseker is.
Praat met 'n prokureur om enige regsvrae uit te klaar.
Alle seksuele misdrywe wat teen kinders gepleeg word, moet by die polisie aangemeld word.
Ingevolge artikel 54 van die Wet moet kennis van 'n seksuele misdryf wat teen 'n kind gepleeg is onmiddellik by die polisie aangemeld word en versuim om dit te doen is 'n misdryf en 'n boete of gevangenisstraf vir 'n tydperk van hoogstens 5 jaar kan opgelê word, by skuldigbevinding van so 'n persoon.
Ho tshehisana ka tsa marato hangata ke ho kopana le motho le ho etsa ntho eo bobedi ba lona le dumellanang ka yona, le le baratani bathong. Hona e ka ba ho nwa seno kapa ho ja dijo mmoho, ho ya moving kapa dipapading, kapa le hona ho ya moketeng mmoho.
Batjha ba bangata ba kopanya setswalle se tshehisanang ka tsa marato le thobalano.
Ho na le ditlamorao tsa maikutlo a matla a tlang le kamano ya thobalano, empa ha o le monyane hangata ha o lemohe sena.
Ka dinako tse ding batho ba nahana hore ho etsa thobalano le balekane ba bona ho bolela hore ba tla dula mmoho. Hangata hona ha ho etsahale. Ha e le hantle, pele ho etswa thobalano ho ka thusa ho bua ka seo bobedi ba lona le se lebelletseng le kamoo ho etsa thobalano ho ka fetolang seo.
Ka dinako tse ding ho na le tebello ya ho etsa thobalano ha le tswile mmoho mme molekane a ikutlwe a qobellwa ho etsa thobalano.
Batjha ba bangata ba kenang dikamanong tsa thobalano ba utlwiswa bohloko, ba a lahlwa le hona ho phoqahala.
Ka dinako tse ding o kena maemong moo maikutlo a matla a ka o hlolang ho a laola.
Emisa o nahane pele.
Hopola ho nahana ka ditlamorao…
Ka dinako tse ding o ka ba maemong ao o qobellehileng ho etsa thobalano ho oona o sa batle.
O na le tokelo ya hore TJHE!
Ha ho na motho ya nang le tokelo ya ho o qobella ho etsa thobalano, ho sa kgathalatsehe hore kamano ya hao le motho eo ke efe.
Hona ho bolela hore ha ho na motho ya ka o qobellang ho etsa thobalano kapa a o tshwara-tshwara ka tsela e amanang le diketso tsa thobalano ntle le tumello ya hao kapa a o qobella ho etsa thobalano eo o sa e thabeleng kapa e o swabisang.
Ho na le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ya thobalano e qobellwang:
Ho bohlokwa ho utlwisisa diphapang pakeng tsa tsona, mmoho le kamoo di amanang ka teng.
Ka bomadimabe, ka lebaka la ho thola ha batho ka ho utlwiswa bohloko ka thobalano, ho bile le ditumelakgwela tse ngata.
Ditumelakgwela tse kang:
“O kopilwe ho betwa ka ho apara moaparo o mo kgutshwane”
“Ke basadi feela ba ka betwang”
“Ngwana eo o bua leshano – ntate ke motho ya lokileng haholo”
HA HO NA MOTHO ya kopilweng ho betwa, kapa hore mahlatsipa a tshwauwe phoso ka lebaka la boitshwaro ba motho ya betileng.
Ho utlwisisa dintho tse ngata tse kopaneng tsa dikamano tse sa batlweng tsa diketso tsa thobalano le kamoo kaofela ha tsona di amanang ka teng:
Jwalo ka ha o bona setshwantshong, boitshwaro bona bo kenyeletsa:
Tsela e tlwaelehileng eo motho a fihlelang qeto ka yona ka ho utlwiswa bohloko ka thobalano ke ho lahlehelwa ke matla le taolo eo lehlatsipa le ba leng yona.
O mong wa mefuta e tlwaelehileng haholo ya boitshwaro bo bontshang kgalefo le ho batla ho utlwisa batho ba bang bohloko ka thobalano o bitswa kgatello ka thobalano.
Kgatello ya hore motho a etse thobalano e hlaloseha ka thata hobane ka dinako tse ding ho boima ho e bona.
Kgatello e hlaloswa e le “ketso ya ho qobella (kapa ho leka ho qobella) motho e mong ka ho
ho ba le kamano ya thobalano le yena a sa batle”,
“Ha motho a se na kgetho ya ho sheba dikgetho tse ding ntle le ho ba le ditlamorao tse mpe setjhabeng, mmeleng kapa maikutlong”.
Ho e bebofatsa, hona ho bolela hore motho ha a kgone ho re tjhe hobane a nahana hore o tla ba le ditlamorao tse ka mo imelang.
Ho etsa mohlala – ho otlwa, ho thodiswa/kwalwa molomo, ho tshosetswa, ho utlwiswa bohloko maikutlong, ho hanelwa ka dintho kapa ho fuwa kotlo ka tsela e itseng, jj.
Ka dinako tse ding o kena maemong moo o qobellwang ho etsa thobalano o sa batle.
HA HO NA MOTHO ya ka o qobellang ho etsa thobalano o sa batle.
Hopola hore o ka nka qeto ya hore na o batla ho etsa thobalano kapa tjhe, o batla ho e etsa neng le hore o e batla jwang. Ke kgetho ya hao. Ke mmele wa hao, kgetho ya hao, qeto ya hao le tokelo ya hao.
Molao o re o na le tokelo ya ho nka diqeto ka ho ima.
HA HO NA MOTHO ya ka o qobellang ho etsa thobalano kapa ho ima haeba o sa batle.
Haeba o ikutlwa e fosahetse – e fosahetse. Mamela maikutlo a hao.
Diketso tsa dikgoka kamanong ha di a amoheleha.
Ka dinako tse ding balekane ba nahana hore ba lokela ho etsa seo mohlankana/morwetsana wa bona a se buang.
Bashemane ba bang ba dumela hore ke tokelo ya bona ho nka diqeto.
Hona HA HO a nepahala..
Balekana ka BOBEDI ba lokela ho dumela ho etsa thobalano, le hore jwang. Haeba motho a le mong a qobella molekane wa hae ho etsa thobalano le yena a sa batle, ena ke kgatello.
Jwalo ka ha ho boletswe, kgatello ya ho etsa thobalano e hlaloseha ka thata hobane e na le dintlha kapa diphapang tse nyane haholo tse sa bonahaleng – e etsahala maemong a mangata a fapaneng.
Kgatello e etswang ka ho qobellwa ho ba le kamano ya thobalano – ketsahalong ena, kgatello e ka bolela kgatello ya mmele, ho bua kapa ya maikutlo.
Kgatello ya ho etsa thobalano e ka etsahala le ha o bile kamanong nako e telele.
Maqephe a latelang a hlalosa kgatello hantle ka ho arola tlhaloso ka dikarolo tse nyane.
Kgatello ya mmele ya ho ba le kamano ya thobalano e ka kenyeletsa ho tswella ho suna lehlatsipa ha le leka ho hana.
Ho otla, ho raha le ho otla ka tlelapa, ho hatella lehlatsipa fatshe, ho tswella ka diketso tse kgotsofatsang ditlhoko tsa thobalano ka mora ho bolellwa hore o emise/kgaotse.
E ka kenyeletsa ho dula o tletleba, ho laola motho kapa boemo molemong wa hao, ho tshosetsa ka ho kgaohana le motho, ho etsa hore motho a ikutlwe a le molato ka hore “motho e mong le e mong o a e etsa”.
Ho sebedisa boemo ba bolaodi ho fumana melemo ya thobalano. Ho etsa mohlala: “o ka ba le bonnete ba ho fumana matshwao a matle kotareng ena haeba re etsa thobalano”.
Kgatello ka dipuo e ka kenyeletsa ho tshosetsa ka ho qobella motho ho etsa ntho e itseng ka mmele, ho omanya, ho bitsa motho ka mabitso, ho mo qhekanyetsa, ho bua leshano kapa ho mo qobella ho etsa ntho e itseng ka ho mo tshosetsa kapa ho laola maikutlo a hae molemong wa hao. Ho etsa mohlala, “haeba ha re etse thobalano bosiung ba kajeno, ke tla tsamaya ke se hlole ke kgutla”, ke kgatello.
Ho fana ka dimpho le/kapa tjhelete, ebe o lebella ho lefshwa ka thobalano ke kgatello.
Ona ke mofuta wa thobalano ya thekisetsano moo hangata banna ba baholo ba nang le tjhelete (“diblesa”) ba hohelang basadi ba banyane (‘ba bleswang’) ka tjhelete le dimpho tsa theko e hodimo ho etsa thobalano le bona.
Ke tokelo ya hao ho tshwarwa ka seriti, ho ba le melao e thibelang tshwaro e sa amohelehang le tlhompho.
Jwala le dithethefatsi di ka ba kotsi tseleng eo o nkang diqeto ka yona, di ka etsa hore o se kgone ho hana ho kena boemong bo lebisang thobalanong mme di ka etsa hore molekane wa hao a halefe le ho batla ho etsa dintho ka kgatello.
Haeba o tshellwa dithethefatsi senong, o ka akgeha mme wa ba lehlatsipa la ho betwa ke motho eo o tshehisanang le yena ka tsa marato.
Ketso ya ho sebedisa jwala ho qobella motho e mong ho etsa thobalano ke kgatello.
Ho re tjhe mothong e mong ho ka ba boima haholo. Makanyane a sebedisa ‘tumellano e tswelang bohle molemo’, dipelo tsa rona tse ntle le ho tshaba ho bontsha boitshwaro bo se nang mekgwa.
Ha re nahane ka ketsahalo e itseng. Ngwanana o ile khafe mme moshemane o kopa ho mo rekela aesekerimi.
O a tsamaya mme o kgutlela tafoleng a tshwere diaesekerimi tse pedi.
Jwale, haeba o dumela aesekerimi (kapa soda kapa seno se nang le jwala), o ruta motho hore ho nka ho phehella ho honyane feela ho hlola Tjhe ya hao.
Empa nnete ke hore:
hore motho e mong a ikutlwe a amohelehile.
Bokgoni ba ho re “Tjhe” (Jennifer P)
Tumello ke ho dumela hore ntho e itseng e etsahale kapa tumello ya ho etsa ntho e itseng. Tumello ya ho etsa thobalano ke ho dumela ho nka karolo.
Tumello ke ha motho e mong:
Tumello ya ho etsa thobalano e bohlokwa ho:
Tumello ya ho etsa thobalano e bohlokwa ho sa kgathalatsehe hore maikutlo a bong boo motho a ikamahanyang le bona ke afe.
Motho o lokela ho bontsha jwang hore o fana ka tumello?
Tumello e lokela ho bolelwa ka ho hlaka le ka bolokollohi. Ho dumela ka ho bolela ka molomo ho ka thusa wena le molekane wa hao ka bobedi ho utlwisisa le ho hlompha dintho tseo motho e mong le e mong a dumelletsweng le tseo a sa dumellwang ho di etsa.
Tumello e ke ke ya fuwa ke motho ofe kapa ofe ya:
Tumello e sebetsa jwang?
Na nka fetola monahano wa ka nako efe kapa efe?
Tumello e bontshang maikutlo a matla a lethabo ke eng?
Nka netefatsa jwang hore molekane wa ka o fana ka tumello ka dinako tsohle?
Ho arabela ketso ya thobalano ka mmele:
Tumello HA SE:
Ho re TJHE
Bophelong ba letsatsi le leng le le leng re re “tjhe” ka dinako tsohle, ntle le ho bua lentswe leo.
Ha ho tluwa tumellong ya thobalano, “ho re tjhe feela” ke ho hloka boitemohelo mme ka bomadimabe ha se keletso e ntle ka ha ha ho kgathalle ditsela tse ngata tse amanang tsa hore diketso tsa ho hana di etswa letsatsi le leng le le leng bophelong - tseo bongata ba tsona bo sa siyang lentswe la ‘tjhe’ ka hohlehohle.
Na banna ba kgona ho bona ha ho se na tumello?
Ho ba sieo ha "qha" ha ho bolele tumello leha e le efe
Matshwao a bontshang ho tswela pele a ka shebahala e le:
Matshwao a ho Kgaotsa Tumellong eo ho fanwang ka yona ke afe?
Ho ke ke ha fanwa ka tumello haeba motho:
Matshwao a ho Kgaotsa ke:
Haeba motho eo o nang le yena o bontsha letshwao lefe kapa lefe la matshwao a ho kgaotsa, tlohela hanghang. Ho tswela pele ho tla baka tshenyo kapa kotsi.
Matshwao a Kgalemo Tumellong eo ho fanwang ka yona ke afe?
Haeba molekane wa hao a sa o kope hore o kgaotse empa a boetse a sa bontshe letshwao lefe kapa lefe la matshwao a hore o tswele pele, kgaotsa seo o se etsang mme o botse hore na ntho e nngwe le e nngwe e lokile. Haeba molekane wa hao a o netefaletsa hore o hantle empa mmele wa hae o ntse o bontsha ka tsela e nngwe, leka ho fetohela nthong e nngwe e sa amaneng le thobalano e kang ho shebella TV. Haeba a batla ho etsa thobalano, yena o tla qala ho bontsha ka ho o tshwara-tshwara hape.
Matshwao a Tlhokomediso a ka shebahala e le:
Ke botsa jwang molekane wa ka hore o natefetswe?
Ho botsa hore na motho e mong o natefelwa ke seo o se etsang ho ka ba boima - ho tshaba ho hanwa ke ntho e etsahalang haholo. Empa ho bohlokwa ho etsa hore motho a se utlwe bohloko le ho netefatsa hore mekga ka bobedi e natefelwa ka ho lekana, e leng ntho e ka etsahalang le e etsahalang ka dinako tsohle!
Haeba molekane wa hao a o bontsha matshwao a mangata a hore o tswele pele empa a boetse a bontsha le a tlhokomediso, kapa o batla ho bona ho re na o ntse a thabile, o ka botsa dipotso tse kang “Na o rata seo?” “O rata eng?” “O ka rata hore ke etse eng?” “Na o batla hore ke...”
Ho botsa molekane wa hao ho ka etsa hore o ikutlwe o swabile, empa haeba a na le kgahleho le ho ba karolo ya se etsahalang, a ke ke a kgathatseha ha a botswa. Hoo ho tla etsa hore molekane wa hao a ikutlwe a hlomphehile le ho kgathallwa ha a tseba hore o kgathalla kamoo a ikutlwang ka teng. Ho betere haholo ho botsa le ho swaba ho na le ho se botse le ho mo siya a ikutlwa a sa tshwarwa ka tlhompho.
Ditshwantsho tsa ngwana ya etsang diketso tse amanang le thobalano wa dilemo tse ka tlase ho tse 18
Afrika Borwa ha ho molaong ho shebella kapa ho nka karolo mofuteng ofe kapa ofe wa phonokerafi (‘porn’) haeba o le dilemo tse ka tlase ho tse 18. Hape, ha ho molaong ho shebella phonokerafi moo monkakarolo a leng dilemo tse ka tlase ho tse 18, ho sa kgathalatsehe hore o motho e moholo kapa tjhe.
Tumello ya thobalano le ba amanang ka madi
Thobalano ya batho ba amanang ka madi ke ha ditho tsa lelapa di robalana. Ha e molaong. Molao o thibela diketso kaofela tse amanang le thobalano pakeng tsa ditho tsa lelapa, ho sa kgathalatsehe dilemo tsa bona. Ha ho kgonahale ho fana ka tumello ya ketso ya thobalano le setho sa lelapa la madi a le mang kapa ditho tsa lelapa le hodisang bana bao e seng ba madi.
Hona ho bolela hore:
Na ho na le dinako moo ho sa kgonahaleng ho fana ka tumello ho hang?
Diketso tsena kaofela di ahloleha ka molao. Hoo ho bolela hore o ka ya tjhankaneng. Empa o se e etse.
Diketso tse sa amoheleheng tsa mofuta wa thobalano, kapa boitshwaro bo etsang hore o ikutlwe o sa phuthulloha ke tlhekefetso ka thobalano.
Ithute ho lemoha ha o ikutlwa o sa phuthulloha ka lebaka la boitshwaro ba motho e mong. Mamela mmele wa hao, o tla o bolella ha o ikutlwa o sa bolokeha.
Tlhekefetso ka thobalano e ka kenyeletsa ho kopana hofe kapa hofe ho sa batleheng ha mmele ya batho, ha maikutlo kapa mehopolo e boletsweng ka molomo kapa e sa hlahiswang ka ho bolelwa. Boholo ba yona bo tloha dipuong tse sa batleheng le ho tshwarwa-tshwarwa ho sa batleheng ka lehlakoreng le leng – ho ya ho ho sotla ka thobalano ka ho le leng.
Hobane ho na le dintho tse nyane tse sa bonahaleng habobebe (jwalo ka ketsahalong ya kgatello), batjha ba bangata ha ba lemohe hore ba hlekefetswa ka thobalano, kapa hona ho lemoha hore ba na le ditokelo dife kapa dife.
Moetsathobalano ka mahlo ke motho ya natefelwang ke thobalano ka ho sheba mmele e tsotseng kapa diketso tsa thobalano tse etswang ke batho ba bang, haholoholo a ipatile.
Ka kakaretso, hona ho bitswa ketso ya thobalano ka mahlo.
Tshepa maikutlo a hao mme o latele tlwaelo eo o etsang dintho ka yona ka tlhaho haeba o ikutlwa o sa phuthulloha ka tsela efe kapa efe boemong bo itseng kapa o bona matshwao a kgatello kapa tlhekefetso e ka etsahalang.
Haeba e utlwahala maikutlong e fosahetse – e fosahetse!
Dithethefatsi le jwala di ka:
Ithute ho arabela kgatellong ya dintho tse amanang le thobalano.
Dula le metswalle ya hao, bua ka ditsela tsa ho re tjhe le ho di sebedisa.
Hore o kgone ho re TJHE ketsong ya thobalano o hloka ho:
Ha o re TJHE:
Mehlala ya ho re, “Ha ke eso batle ho etsa thobalano”, o ka realo:
Haeba o ka araba e potsong efe kapa efe ya dipotso tsena, e ka nna ya ba o kgatellong ya thobalano:
Dikeletso tse ding tseo o ka di buang:
Peto ke ketso ya thobalano – haholoholo ho kenya(Botona) kwae/ntoto ka hara ditho tsa bosadi kapa mokoteng ntle le tumello ya motho eo o etsang thobalano le yena – ha motho e mong a kenya setho sa hae sa botona ka hara sa e mong ntle le tumello ya hae, a mo qobella kapa ka kgatello, kapa ka ho etsa hore lehlatsipa le se kgone ho hana.
Ho kenya setho sa botona kapa ntho e nngwe (e jwalo ka monwana kapa lebotlolo) ka molomong, mokoteng kapa kukung(botshehading) ya motho e mong ntle le tumello le hona ke peto.
Ho feta moo, ho ka hlaloswa e le ho qobella motho ho dumela ho etsa thobalano efe kapa efe e kenyang setho ka hara sa hae mme ka kakaretso ketso eo e nkwa e le diketso tsa bosenyi bo bobe ka ho fetisisa.
Peto ke ketso ya dikgoka e sebedisang thobalano ho utlwisa motho e mong bohloko.
Peto ha se phoso ya lehlatsipa. Mahlatsipa a peto a etsa seo a hlokang ho se etsa ho amohela le ho phela ka mehopolo ya tlhaselo ya oona.
Ho na le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ya peto eo le yona ho leng bohlokwa ho e fapanya.
Peto ya motho eo o sa mo tsebeng
E etsahala ha lehlatsipa le sa tsebe motho ya tlolang molao. Batho ba bangata ba dumela hore peto ya mofuta ona e etsahalla basadi feela ba aparang ka tsela e itseng, ba tsamayang ba le bang bosiu kapa ba pakang dikaratjheng. Bonnete ba peto ya motho ya sa tsejweng ke hore e etsahala motshehare le bosiu, bathong ba fapaneng le dibakeng tse ngata tse fapaneng. Peto ha se phoso ya lehlatsipa.
Peto ya motho eo o mo tsebang
E hlalosa peto eo ho yona lehlatsipa le sesenyi ba tsebanang. Sesenyi e ka ba molekane, mosebetsimmoho, motswalle wa hlooho ya kgomo kapa moahisane. Diphesente tse hodimo tsa dipeto di etsahala bathong ba tsebanang.
Diketsahalong tse ngata, ntho e utlwisang bohloko ke hore motho o betwa ke motho ya mo tsebang, ya mo tshepang kapa ya mo ratang.
Peto ya motho eo o tshehisanang le yena ka tsa marato
Ke peto ya mofuta o itseng ya batho ba tsebanang, e bolela peto e etsahalang pakeng tsa batho ba babedi ba tshehisanang ka tsa marato. Hangata maikutlo a lehlatsipa a laolwa ka maqheka, mme a thethebatswa kapa ho hatellwa ho etsa thobalano le molekane wa lona.
Hangata peto ya motho eo o tshehisanang le yena ka tsa marato e kenyeletsa ho tshela sethethefatsi ka hara seno. Hona ho bolela hore motho e mong o tshela mofuta o itseng wa sethethefatsi senong sa hao o sa mmone. Ho bohlokwa hore o dule o shebile le ho sireletsa seno sa hao ha o intshitse.
Peto ya lenyalo
Mofuta oo ho buuwang hanyane ka oona wa diketso tsa dikgoka thobalanong ke peto pakeng tsa banyalani. Ka lebaka la dintho tse thibelang batho le tse lebelletsweng setjhabeng tsa ho tlaleha peto lenyalong, ho na le kgonahalo ya hore e etsahala kgafetsa ho feta kamoo ho tsejwang. Le lenyalong, molekane e mong o dumelletswe ho re Tjhe thobalanong.
Peto ya ngwana
Ke ha ngwana a betwa.
Peto ya lesea
Ke ho beta lesea. Tsena ke diketso tsa bosenyi tsa bosatane boo ho sa buuweng ka bona.
Peto e laolwang ka molao
Bana ba dilemo tse pakeng tsa tse 12 – 16 ba kgona ho etsa thobalano, empa ha ba eso hole ka botlalo ho ka fana ka tumello ya ho etsa thobalano. Motho ofe kapa ofe ya etsang thobalano le ngwana wa dilemo tse pakeng tsa tse 12 – 16 (le ha ngwana a fane ka tumello), a ka fumanwa a le molato wa peto e laolwang ka molao (ho dumellana ho etsa thobalano e kenyang setho sa botona ka hara setho sa ngwana). Hona ho etsahala le ha bana ba babedi ba dilemo tse pakeng tsa 12 le 16 ba robalana.
Peto ke ntho e utlwisang bohloko ka ho fetisisa, kahoo ho bobebe hore motho a ‘se batle ho ba hara batho’ kapa ho ba le maikutlo a matla haholo a letshoho. Ho boima, empa leka ho utlwisisa hore:
Lehlatsipa le leng le le leng la peto le arabela ka tsela e fapaneng – empa ho na le kgonahalo ya hore thuso le tshehetso di tla o tswela molemo hore o amohele bohloko boo o bileng ho bona.
Dintlha tse latelang di fana ka kakaretso e kgutshwane ya dintho tse mmalwa tsa molao tsa ho ba le kamano e amanang le ketso ya thobalano e sa batleheng, empa molao o thata haholo ho utlwisiseha. Fumana keletso ya molao haeba o se na bonnete.
Bua le mmuelli hore a hlalose dipotso dife kapa dife tsa molao.
Ditlolo tsa molao kaofela tse amanang le thobalano e entsweng baneng di lokela ho tlalehwa sepoleseng.
Ho ya ka karolo ya 54 ya Molao, ho tseba ka tlolo ya molao e amanang le thobalano e entsweng ngwaneng ho tlameha ho tlalehwa sepoleseng hanghang mme ho hloleha ho etsa jwalo ke tlolo ya molao mme motho ya jwalo a ka lefiswa faene kapa a iswa tjhankaneng dilemo tse sa feteng tse 5.